Each member organisation can appoint a director to the FMC Board of Directors. There is provision within the Articles of Association the to co-opt up to three other directors. The board meets approximately every two months to consider matters of common concern.
Currently the Directors are:
Stephen Burke (co-opted) (Chair)
Allan Blake (co-opted)
Caroline Bowden, appointed by the Law Society
Alison Bull, appointed by Resolution
Jan Coulton, appointed by College of Mediators
Sarah Hawkins, appointed by NFM
Beverley Sayers, appointed by FMA
The following are entitled to attending board meetings, as observers:
A representative of the Family Mediation Standards Board
A representative of the Family Justice Council
A representative of the Ministry of Justice
The FMSB & FMC share an administrative office and Executive Officer.
FMC Minutes
The approved minutes of FMC Board meetings are published below:
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 6.12.23
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 13.9.23
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 14.6.23
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 8.3.23
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 7.12.22
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 14.9.22
Minutes FMC Board Meeting 15.6.22
Minutes FMC & FMSB Joint Meeting 13.1.2021
Minutes FMC & FMSB Joint Meeting 11.2.2020