Elizabeth Morris

URN: 0371A

Accreditation Status

Accredited: Yes
Accreditation date: 7 December 2018
Accredited for: All Issues

Mediation Services

  • Provides Mediation
  • Qualified to Sign Court Forms i
  • Provides mediation funded by legal aid i
  • Qualified to see children in mediation


Hamers Solicitors LLP
5 Earls Court
Priory Park East

Telephone: 01482 326666
Email: emorris@hamers.com
Website: https://www.hamers.com

Other Qualifications

Qualified as a PPC: No

Professional Practice Consultant

Every family mediator must have a Professional Practice Consultant (PPC), an experienced family mediator who acts a supervisor.

PPC's Name: Adele Wilkinson
PPC's URN: 0076A

Member Organisation

Every family mediator must belong to one or more of the FMC's Member Organisations.
