Katharine Baker
URN: 1350A
Accreditation Status
Accredited: Yes
Accreditation date: 10 September 2018
Accredited for: All Issues
Mediation Services
- Provides Mediation
- Qualified to Sign Court Forms i
Otley Family Mediation at Newstead & Walker Solicitors
Mercury House
Mercury Row
LS21 3HQ
Telephone: 01943 461414
Email: katharine.baker@newsteadwalker.co.uk
Website: http://www.newsteadwalker.co.uk
Other Qualifications
Qualified as a PPC: No
Professional Practice Consultant
Every family mediator must have a Professional Practice Consultant (PPC), an experienced family mediator who acts a supervisor.
PPC's Name: Sally Clark
PPC's URN: 0622A